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Tuesday 30 December 2014

HS2 Burton Green Exhibition Pack

HS2 have produced and distributed a set of detailed plans regarding Burton Green, if the scheme ever goes ahead. There are 50 documents in the set. They include numerous maps and some spreadsheets.

The documents are, basically:
  • Introductory letter
  • Petitioners locations map
  • Construction timeframe
  • Construction traffic flows (construction traffic would not use Cromwell Lane)
  • Property demolition map
  • Tunnel proposals and portal maps
  • Electricity feeder station details
  • Village hall relocation map
  • Greenway changes
  • Cromwell Lane bridge
  • Ancient woodland and woodland compensation maps
  • Noise summary (though meaningless, as explained below)
  • Property compensation zone maps
The complete set of documents can be downloaded from here:

Below are some typical documents. These are probably the most significant documents in the pack...

Activity Timeline

This chart shows approximate earliest dates for various activities, as far as 2026 (which is HS2's optimistic date). You can click on this image, and enlarge to full-screen size...

You can also enlarge this plan to full-screen size...

Tunnel Profile

Click to enlarge to full-screen size...

Plan for New Electricity Feeder Station

The Greenway

These 3 plans immediately below, combined on one diagram, show the current Greenway, a proposed diversion during construction, and the final Greenway. Click to enlarge...

Properties to be Demolished

Proposed Relocation of Village Hall

Cromwell Lane Bridge

"There will be a temporary off-line diversion constructed prior to the closure of the existing road. The temporary diversion will then be in use for approximately two years during tunnel construction."

Anticipated Noise Levels, by day and night

This chart seems to be provided without explanation. The chart includes a column labelled Assessment Location ID, which presumably refers to a range of dwellings. The number in the cells might be decibels. It is not clear what this means...

The complete set of 50 documents can be downloaded from here:

Click on the link just above, and then click on the download icon which will appear. This will copy the complete set of files onto your computer, as one 'zip' file...

Having downloaded the zip file, double-click on the file on your computer, and you will see the 50 constituent documents. It is not possible to download individual documents; you need to download the complete zip file, You will then be able to view the individual documents.

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